72 lines
1.3 KiB
72 lines
1.3 KiB
# anchor, where to display sov, top, bottom, left, right, center
anchor center
# margin, distance from edges if anchor is set
margin 0
# show timeout in millisecs
timeout 200
# distance between workspaces
gap 20
# columns
columns 3
# thumbnail to workspace ratio
ratio 8
# font face, use any string that is output by fc-list, recommended is Terminus (TTF):style=Bold
# font_face Terminus (TTF):style=Bold
font_face Cascadia Code PL:style=Bold
# margin size around text
text_margin_size 7
# margin top size over text
text_margin_top_size 4
# title text size
text_title_size 14
# title text color
text_title_color #FFFFFFFF
# description text size
text_description_size 12
# description text color
text_description_color #999999FF
# workspace number text size
text_workspace_size 18
# workspace number text color
# text_workspace_color #FFFFFFFF
text_workspace_color #268bd2FF
# workspace number x shift
text_workspace_xshift 11
# workspace number y shift
text_workspace_yshift -17
# border color
# border_color #BCBCBCFF
border_color #268BD2FF
# background color
background_color #222222FF
# focused background color
background_color_focused #444444FF
# window color
window_color #000000AA
# empty thumb color
empty_color #111111FF
# empty thumb border
empty_frame_color #555555FF