diff --git a/bin/waybar_card.sh b/bin/waybar_card.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 8be4c23..0000000
--- a/bin/waybar_card.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-CMD="/usr/bin/gpg --card-status"
-ret=$($CMD 2> /dev/null)
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- tooltip="S/N $(echo $ret | grep -oE 'Serial number[.:0-9 ]*' | grep -oE '[0-9]*')"
- alt="available"
-json="{\"text\": \"$text\", \"tooltip\": \"$tooltip\", \"class\": \"card\", \"alt\": \"$alt\"}"
-echo $json
diff --git a/bin/waybar_khal.py b/bin/waybar_khal.py
deleted file mode 100755
index feeff52..0000000
--- a/bin/waybar_khal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import subprocess
-from datetime import date, datetime, timedelta
-import json
-from html import escape
-today = date.today().strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-days = [ "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday", "Today",
- "Tomorrow" ]
-next_week = (date.today() + timedelta(days=10)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
-title = subprocess.check_output("khal list --format \"{title}\" now "+next_week,
- shell=True).decode("UTF-8").split("\n")
-start = subprocess.check_output("khal list --format \"{start}\" now "+next_week,
- shell=True).decode("UTF-8").split("\n")
-end = subprocess.check_output("khal list --format \"{end}\" now "+next_week,
- shell=True).decode("UTF-8").split("\n")
-text = "-"
-tooltip = ""
-alt = "idle"
-for i in range(len(title)):
- t = escape(title[i])
- s = escape(start[i])
- e = escape(end[i])
- line = ""
- ## header
- if len(t) and t.split(",")[0] in days:
- line = f"\n{t}"
- ## event
- else:
- t_start = s.split(" ")
- t_end = e.split(" ")
- ## all day
- if len(t_start) == 1 or len(t_end) == 1:
- line = f"{t}"
- ## start - end
- else:
- ts_start = datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
- ts_end = datetime.timestamp(datetime.strptime(e, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M'))
- ts_now = datetime.timestamp(datetime.now())
- ## today
- if t_start[0] == today:
- ## upcoming or ongoing
- if ts_now < ts_end:
- ## ongoing
- if ts_start < ts_now:
- if ts_start < ts_now and ts_now < ts_end:
- text = f"{t_start[1]}-{t_end[1]} {t}"
- alt = "now"
- ## upcoming
- elif text == "-":
- text = f"{t_start[1]}-{t_end[1]} {t}"
- alt = "today"
- line = f"{t_start[1]} - {t_end[1]}: {t}"
- tooltip += f"\n{line}"
-data = {}
-if len(text) > TEXT_MAX_LEN:
- text = f"{text[0:TEXT_MAX_LEN]}…"
-data["text"] = text
-data["alt"] = alt
-data["tooltip"] = tooltip
diff --git a/bin/waybar_mail.py b/bin/waybar_mail.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 262d829..0000000
--- a/bin/waybar_mail.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import json
-import subprocess
-import re
-ACCOUNTS = ["posteo", "gmail", "xkonni"]
-l_acc = max([len(a) for a in ACCOUNTS])
-SERVICES = ["mbsync@ykonni", "muchsync@ykonni"]
-l_ser = max([len(s) for s in SERVICES])
-total = 0
-for a in ACCOUNTS:
- cmd = f"notmuch count folder:{a}/Inbox AND tag:unread AND NOT tag:killed"
- ret = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode("UTF-8").replace("\n", "")
- count = int(ret)
- tooltip += f" - {a:<{l_acc}}: {count}\n"
- total += count
-tooltip += "\nservices\n"
-for s_name in SERVICES:
- cmd = f"/usr/bin/systemctl --user status {s_name}"
- ret = ""
- s_status = ""
- s_time = ""
- try:
- ret = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True, check=False, shell=True)
- except Exception as ex:
- print(ex)
- pass
- s_status = 0
- for line in ret.stdout.decode("UTF-8").split("\n"):
- if "since" in line:
- m = re.search("[a-z0-9 ]* ago", line)
- if m:
- s_time = m.group(0)
- if ("Process" in line) or ("Main PID" in line):
- m = re.search("status=[0-9]*", line)
- if m:
- tmp = int(m.group(0).replace("status=", ""))
- if not tmp == 0 and not tmp == s_status:
- s_status = tmp
- tooltip += f" - {s_name:<{l_ser}}: status={s_status}, {s_time}\n"
-text = f"{total}"
-alt = "read" if total == 0 else "unread"
-j = { "alt": alt, "class": "mail",
- "text": text, "tooltip": tooltip }
diff --git a/waybar.d/config_bslxkos02 b/waybar.d/config_bslxkos02
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f8863e..0000000
--- a/waybar.d/config_bslxkos02
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-// vi: ft=jsonc
-// normal #ebdbb2
-// blue #268bd2
-// red #fb4934
-// green #b8bb26
- "layer": "top",
- "height": 26,
- "modules-left": [
- "sway/workspaces",
- "custom/separator#left",
- "custom/separator#space"
- ],
- "modules-center": [
- "custom/separator#right",
- "clock",
- "custom/separator#center",
- "custom/media",
- "custom/separator#center",
- "pulseaudio",
- "custom/separator#left"
- ],
- "modules-right": [
- "custom/separator#right",
- "network#en0",
- "network#wl0",
- "custom/separator#center",
- "cpu",
- "custom/separator#center",
- "memory",
- "custom/separator#center",
- "temperature",
- "custom/separator#space",
- "custom/separator#center",
- // "battery",
- // "custom/separator#center",
- "custom/separator#space",
- "tray"
- ],
- "custom/separator#left": {
- "format": "❯"
- },
- "custom/separator#space": {
- "format": " "
- },
- "custom/separator#center": {
- "format": "|"
- },
- "custom/separator#right": {
- "format": "❮"
- },
- "custom/calendar": {
- "format": "{icon} {}",
- "tooltip-format": "{}",
- "tooltip": true,
- "return-type": "json",
- "min-length": 25,
- "max-length": 40,
- "interval": 300,
- "format-icons": {
- "now": "",
- "today": "",
- "idle": ""
- },
- "escape": false,
- "exec": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/waybar_khal.py 2> /dev/null",
- "on-click": "foot -T float khal interactive"
- },
- "custom/media": {
- "format": "{icon} {}",
- "tooltip-format": "{}",
- "tooltip": true,
- "return-type": "json",
- "min-length": 10,
- "max-length": 30,
- "format-icons": {
- "chromium": " ",
- "firefox": " ",
- "Plexamp": "♫ ",
- "default": "♪ "
- },
- "escape": true,
- "exec": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/waybar_mediaplayer.py 2> /dev/null"
- },
- "clock": {
- "format": "{: %H:%M, %b %d }",
- // "on-click": "foot -T float khal interactive"
- },
- "cpu": {
- "format": "{usage:3}%",
- "min-length": 6,
- "max-length": 10,
- "states": {
- "warning": 70,
- "critical": 90
- },
- "on-click": "foot -T float bashtop"
- },
- "memory": {
- "format": "{}%",
- "min-length": 6,
- "max-length": 10,
- "states": {
- "warning": 70,
- "critical": 90
- },
- "on-click": "foot -T float bashtop"
- },
- "battery": {
- "bat": "BAT0",
- "design-capacity": false,
- "states": {
- "warning": 30,
- "critical": 15
- },
- "format": "{icon}{capacity:3}%",
- "format-charging": "{capacity:3}%",
- "format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
- },
- "temperature": {
- "thermal-zone": 2,
- "critical-threshold": 60,
- "format-icons": ["", ""],
- "format": "{icon}{temperatureC:3}°C"
- },
- "network#en0": {
- "interval": 2,
- "interface": "en0",
- "format": "{ifname}",
- "format-wifi": " {ifname}",
- "format-linked": " {ifname}",
- "format-disconnected": " {ifname}",
- "min-length": 8,
- "max-length": 30,
- "tooltip-format": "{ifname}\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-ethernet": "{ifname}\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-wifi": "{ifname} {essid} ({signalStrength:3}%)\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-disconnected": "{ifname} disconnected",
- "on-click": "foot -T float nmtui"
- },
- "network#wl0": {
- "interval": 2,
- "interface": "wl0",
- "format": "{ifname}",
- "format-wifi": " {ifname}",
- "format-linked": " {ifname}",
- "format-disconnected": " {ifname}",
- "min-length": 8,
- "max-length": 30,
- "tooltip-format": "{ifname}\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-ethernet": "{ifname}\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-wifi": "{ifname} {essid} ({signalStrength:3}%)\n\t{ipaddr}/{cidr}\n \t{bandwidthDownBits}\n \t{bandwidthUpBits}",
- "tooltip-format-disconnected": "{ifname} disconnected",
- "on-click": "foot -T float nmtui"
- },
- "pulseaudio": {
- "format": "{icon} {volume}% {format_source}",
- "format-muted": " {format_source}",
- "format-bluetooth": "{icon} {volume}% {format_source}",
- "format-bluetooth-muted": "{icon}{format_source}",
- "format-source": "",
- "format-source-muted": "",
- "format-icons": {
- "headphone": "🎧",
- "hands-free": "",
- "headset": "",
- "phone": "",
- "portable": "",
- "car": "",
- "default": ["", "", ""]
- },
- "min-length": 7,
- "max-length": 12,
- "on-click": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/sway_volume mute",
- "on-click-middle": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/sway_volume source-mute",
- "on-click-right": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/sway_volume gui",
- "on-scroll-up": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/sway_volume increase",
- "on-scroll-down": "$HOME/.config/sway/bin/sway_volume decrease-mute"
- },
- "tray": {
- "padding": 10,
- "spacing": 10
- }