# ssid, password import wifi import usocket as socket from utime import sleep # from machine import Pin, RTC import machine import network from DS3231 import DS3231 import web import esp esp.osdebug(None) import ure import uos import ujson import gc gc.collect() # global variables ## PIN # - D0 - Pin16 - WAKE # - D1 - Pin05 - I2C-SDA # - D2 - Pin04 - I2C-SCL # - D3 - Pin00 - CONFIG # - D4 - Pin02 - LED ## pin_cfg = machine.Pin(5, machine.Pin.IN) pin_led = machine.Pin(2, machine.Pin.OUT) CONFIG_FILE="schedule.json" hf = open("header.html") ff = open("footer.html") header = hf.read() footer = ff.read() config = {} # RTC rtc = machine.RTC() i2c = machine.I2C(scl=machine.Pin(4), sda=machine.Pin(5)) ds = DS3231(i2c) tmp = ds.DateTime() tmp.append(0) rtc.datetime(tmp) print("rtc", rtc.datetime()) # try loading config from filesystem files = uos.listdir() if CONFIG_FILE in files: f = open(CONFIG_FILE, "r") config_raw=f.read() config = ujson.loads(config_raw) f.close() for i in range(7): if not config.get(i): config[i] = { 1: {"on": {"h": 0, "m": 0}, "off": {"h": 0, "m": 0}}, 2: {"on": {"h": 0, "m": 0}, "off": {"h": 0, "m": 0}} } print("initialized day: ", i) print("CONFIG: %s" % config) if (pin_cfg.value() == 1): ssid = wifi.ssid password = wifi.password station = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF) station.active(True) station.connect(wifi.ssid, wifi.password) while station.isconnected() == False: pass # print("Connection successful", station.ifconfig()) # ON pin_led.value(0) s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.bind(("", 80)) s.listen(5) print("Configuration now...") while True: conn, addr = s.accept() req_recv = conn.recv(512) req_decode = req_recv.decode() req_split = req_decode.split("\n") request = req_split[0] print("request: ", request) response = "" mode = "default" if "/config_dt" in request: mode = "config_dt" elif "/config_day" in request: mode = "config_day" elif "/favicon" in request: mode = "none" ## config_* --> save if ("config" in mode) and ("save=1" in request): update = False ## DATE reg = ure.search("date=[0-9-]+", request) if reg: tmp = reg.group(0).replace("date=", "").split("-") if len(tmp) == 3: update = True new_date = [int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), int(tmp[2])] ds.Date(new_date) ## TIME reg = ure.search("time=[0-9-]+", request) if reg: tmp = reg.group(0).replace("time=", "").split("-") if len(tmp) >= 2: update = True new_time = [int(tmp[0]), int(tmp[1]), 0] if len(tmp) == 3: new_time[2] = int(tmp[2]) ds.Time(new_time) if update: update = False tmp_dt = ds.DateTime() tmp_dt.append(0) rtc.datetime(tmp_dt) print("Updated datetime", rtc.datetime()) ## DAY reg = ure.search("day=[0-6]+", request) if reg: update = True tmp = reg.group(0).replace("day=", "") day = int(tmp) for p in [1, 2]: # on reg = ure.search(("p%d_on=[0-9-]+" % p), request) if reg: tmp = reg.group(0).replace(("p%d_on=" % p), "").split("-") if len(tmp) == 2: h = int(tmp[0]) m = int(tmp[1]) config[day][p]["on"] = {"h": h, "m": m} # off reg = ure.search(("p%d_off=[0-9-]+" % p), request) if reg: tmp = reg.group(0).replace(("p%d_off=" % p), "").split("-") if len(tmp) == 2: h = int(tmp[0]) m = int(tmp[1]) config[day][p]["off"] = {"h": h, "m": m} if update: f = open(CONFIG_FILE, "w") f.write(ujson.dumps(config)) f.close() # print("updated config:\n %s" % (ujson.dumps(config))) print("updated config") ## default if mode == "default": print("web_default") response = header + web.default() + footer ## config_dt elif mode == "config_dt": response = header + web.config_datetime(rtc) + footer ## config_day elif mode == "config_day": reg = ure.search("day=[0-6-]+", request) if reg: tmp = reg.group(0).replace("day=", "") day = int(tmp) print("web_config, day ", day) response = header + web.config_day(config, day) + footer ## favicon elif mode == "favicon": print("favicon") response = "" ## send response try: conn.send("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\n") conn.send("Content-Type: text/html\n") conn.send("Connection: close\n\n") conn.sendall(response) sleep(1) conn.close() # print("connection closed successfully") except: print("connection closed with error") else: while True: print("running scheduler...") sleep(1)